- Word
- Definition
- Actual – associato ad uno o più dati, rappresenta i dati consuntivi (o effettivi). In un sistema di reporting completo vengono generalmente confrontati con i dati di Budget (v. BDG).
These web pages reproduce information and data contained in the Integrated Annual Report 2023 and the Sustainability Report 2023 (the "Beyond Reporting 2023"). They do not constitute nor replace the official version of the documents, legally relevant - issued in Italian and translated into English solely for the convenience of international readers - available to the public at the Company’s registered office, on its website ( as well as on the authorized storage mechanism denominated "eMarket STORAGE" (
Compared to the aforementioned documents, the Beyond Reporting 2023 shows some changes – including references to documents contained in other sections of the Company’s website – that are for convenience only.
Although all due care and diligence is taken in preparing such web pages, they may not be immune from errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, for which Enel S.p.A. declines any and all liability for the consequences deriving from the use of the navigator of these web pages.
The contents of the Beyond Reporting 2023 are for information purposes only and do not in any way represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities issued by Enel S.p.A. or any of its subsidiaries.
Link ai contenuti in evidenza
Strategic Plan
Bilancio consolidato
Zero emissions ambition and just transition
Circular economy
Carbon Capture and Storage – è una tecnologia utilizzata per impedire il rilascio di grandi quantità di anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera, separando l'anidride carbonica dalle emissioni e iniettandola nelle formazioni geologiche.
In italiano, Neutralità Carbonica, rappresenta il bilanciamento delle emissioni di CO2 con processi di rimozione del carbonio.
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