Enel Group
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Promoting the grids of the future

Path towards the energy transition

In a world marked by a profound climate change, we are committed to facilitating the energy transition through the electrification of consumption. In this context, citizens and businesses play a central role, producing energy themselves from clean sources and feeding any excess back into the distribution network for the benefit of all.

Flexible, resilient, and digital: these are the characteristics of the grids of the future to accommodate demand changes and ensure service availability and continuity, especially in severe weather conditions. 

Climate change brings new challenges for infrastructure. We need to prevent any critical issues and make power grids even more resilient and able to deal with the impact of extreme weather events.

Gianni Vittorio Armani,

Head of Enel Grids & Innovability

grids grids

Strengthening grids to spread energy

We have chosen to focus our efforts on networks management and expansion with total investments of about 18.6 billion euros over the three-year period 2024-2026, mainly in Italy and Spain, which, thanks to a favorable regulatory environment, allow us to maximize returns while reducing risks. In Italy in particular, we plan to allocate about 12.2 billion euros in gross investments.

18.6 bn €

Total gross investments

50 %
in resilience, digitalization, and quality of grids

32 %
in new connections

18 %
in grids management

12.2 bn €

2.8 bn €

3.5 bn €
Latin America

A reliable service for all


We ensure stable and reliable supply service to all customers by reducing energy leakage and upgrading new electrical grid connections. Through this capital allocation, we anticipate in the three-year period 2024-2026:



on the SAIDI index

466 TWh

in distributed electricity volumes expected in 2026

8.4 bn€

EBITDA forecast for 2026

Circular future and affordable energy 


We believe in the zero-emission ambition and manage our electricity grids by leveraging circular economy’s principles, such as recycling raw materials and giving a second life to all components in the value chain. We also work towards our grids reaching remote urban and extra-urban areas that everyone can benefit from the opportunities offered by the energy transition.

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