Enel Group
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Sustainability Plan

The Enel Group aims to increase the Company’s flexibility and competitiveness through a greater focus on resources, better allocation of investments, simplification of processes and organization, and a business model focused on sustainability and built to seize the opportunities of an ever-changing environment. Specifically, the 2024-2026 strategy is based on three pillars:

  • Profitability, flexibility and resilience, through highly selective capital allocation, aimed at optimizing the Group’s risk/return profile;
  • Efficiency and effectiveness as drivers of the Group’s operations;
  • Sustainability Plan Financial and environmental sustainability, to pursue value creation in addressing the challenges of climate change.

In synergy with the strategy, and taking into account the results of stakeholder engagement and materiality analysis, Enel defines the Sustainability Plan, which is broken down into specific short-, medium- and long-term objectives, in order to make the Group’s commitment transparent and verifiable and to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Every year, these objectives are updated in accordance with a process of alignment with strategic guidelines, the results achieved and best practices in order to increasingly integrate sustainability along the entire value chain (4).

(4) The targets are based on the geographic scope and business model to date.

Sustainability Plan
Sustainability Plan
Sustainability Plan
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