Enel Group
Index Index

Customer centricity

| 3-3 | EU3 | DMA EU (former EU23) |

(1) The term “prosumer”, a contraction of “producer” and “consumer”, refers to an individual or company that not only consumes goods or services, but also produces them, for example, by installing photovoltaic panels to generate electricity.
(2) In line with the 2023 perimeter, the 2022 figures exclude Goiás and Romania.

Customer centricity
Customer centricity

Enel’s leadership is fundamentally driven by a strong emphasis on customer centrality, encompassing households, businesses, and local public administration, regardless of whether they consume or generate energy. Consequently, the Group is committed to maintaining ongoing engagement with its customers, whether they are connected to the distribution grid or part of the energy and/ or gas market.

Enel operates the electricity distribution grid globally through the Enel Grids Business Line, which serves more than 70 million customers. As a grid operator in European markets, where there is a separation between distribution and sale of energy, Enel not only serves its own sales contract customers, but also customers who have supply contracts with other operators. Moreover, the Group is committed to the path towards energy transition, bringing electricity generation closer to the end user, by promoting producers and prosumers, i.e., energy consumers who are also producers, who can both generate electricity for their own use and sell it to the grid. In 2023 alone, Enel Grids reached a record of almost 540 thousand new producer and prosumer connections, up 56% on the previous record achieved in 2022 on a like-for-like basis. Every month, Enel adds around 45 thousand new connections to its distribution grids from producers and prosumers in Italy, Spain and Latin America. Italy is still Enel’s most dynamic market: throughout 2023, almost 1,000 new distributed generation connections were added per day, bringing the total number of producer and prosumer connections to around 1.5 million. 

In addition to grid management, Enel is also involved in the supply of electricity and gas, operating in both the regulated and free markets. At the end of 2023, the number of retail energy and gas customers was 61 million (67 million in 2022), of which more than 24 million were free market customers. The decrease in the number of customers, compared to 2022 (-8.5%), is largely due to the end of the regulated utility market in Italy; for the free market, the decrease was mainly due to the sale of the business unit in Romania (around 3 million customers). 

Energy sales reached 300.9 TWh in 2023 (321.1 TWh in 2022) – down 6.3% compared to the previous year, which was however less than the drop in the number of customers. Enel serves households (B2C), public institutions (B2G) and businesses (B2B) and has an integrated presence, offering an all-round service between commodity and energy solutions, in five countries: Italy, Spain, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. In other Countries and Regions, such as North America, Asia Pacific, Poland, the United Kingdom and Ireland, Enel provides products and services mainly aimed at business customers. 


Customer centricity

How do we optimize value for customers through services in addition to supply?
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