Enel Group
Index Index

Health and safety of people

| 3-3 | 403-1 | 403-2  | 403-3 | 403-4  | 403-5 | 4033-6  | 403-6 | 403-7 | 403-9  | 416-1 | 
| EU18 | DMA EU (former EU21)  | DMA EU (former EU16) |

(1) The 2022 ECoS figures include a more specific determination, following internal reclassifications.

For Enel, the health, safety and psychological and physical well-being of individuals are the most precious asset to be protected at all moments of life, be it at work, at home or during leisure time. Enel is therefore committed to creating increasingly healthy and safe work spaces and processes, both for employees and for anyone who works with the Company, by supporting dedicated training courses.

To make this commitment clear and evident to all Group employees, as well as to external stakeholders, Enel has developed and disseminated a Health and Safety Policy(2), which is shared with the Board of Directors and signed by the Chief Executive Officer, setting out the guiding principles, strategic objectives, approach, guidelines and priorities for the ongoing improvement of health and safety standards. It also outlines the areas of action where Enel has committed to achieving its targets: people come first (meaning both internal workers and contractors working with the Group), followed by processes and innovative technologies to support injury prevention.
In line with the values set out and adopted with the above policy, the Stop Work Policy was also published, again signed by the Chief Executive Officer, which aims to empower Enel employees and contractors in the management of potential health, safety and environmental risk situations. In fact, all workers have the opportunity to stop any activity deemed risky for health, safety and environmental protection, based on a “no blame” approach – a principle where no blame or responsibility is placed on an employee or contractor who reports a risky situation. Indeed, from a safety standpoint, reports of incorrect behavior or a risky situation are greatly valued to be able to take corrective action and prevent such behavior from recurring over time.

(2) Note that this commitment is also enshrined in the Human Rights Policy.

Workers’ Health and Safety Management Systems

In line with the Health and Safety Policy, Enel promotes, adopts and keeps constantly up-to-date its Workers’ Health and Safety Management Systems throughout the Group, in accordance with the international standard ISO 45001, ensuring maximum coverage:

Workers’ Health and Safety Management Systems
Workers’ Health and Safety Management Systems

(1) “Non-employees” in a company’s workforce include both individual contractors who provide labor to the company (“self-employed”) and persons provided by companies that mainly carry out “salaried activities” (NACE Code n78, Annex 2 CSRD 2013/34/EU).

Workers’ Health and Safety Management Systems

These systems are based on identifying hazards, qualitative and quantitative risk assessments, planning and implementing preventive and protective measures (and checking their effectiveness), and checking the training of work teams. By way of recurring audit cycles conducted throughout the year by certified internal staff (Part I audits) and by accredited external bodies (Part III audits), the Management Systems ensure regulatory compliance, effectiveness of processes and respective remedial actions, and, lastly, the dissemination of a risk-based approach and robust organizational and individual culture on the broader issues, with a view to ongoing improvement in occupational health and safety. The Systems’ homogeneous approach (adopted in the various Group companies) is ensured through Enel SpA’s Management System, which provides guidance and coordination to the Group by promoting the dissemination and sharing of best practices and external comparisons with top international players in the area of health and safety. The Business Lines and countries have specific guidelines as part of the procedures of their own management systems according to their specific regulatory and business context, and verify the proper implementation of said guidelines.

Enel's commitment is: zero injuries every day, all day

Combined values, Enel people and contractor companies

Enel's commitment zero injuries

(1) Total Recordable Injuries (TRI): these include all the injury events that cause injuries and include the injuries that caused days of absence from work LTI and First Aid, i.e., injuries that did not require days of absence from work.
(2) The Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRI FR), as for all Frequency Rates for the various types of events, is calculated by proport ioning the number of events with hours worked expressed in millions.
(3) The number of major accidents (FAT+LCA+HIPO), understood as the sum of fatal accidents (FAT - Fatalities, 11 in 2023), accidents that have caused health consequences that have changed a person’s life forever (LCA - Life Changing Accidents, 1 in 2023) and accidents that, due to dynamics, have the potential to cause a life-changing or fatal event (HIPO - High Potential Accidents, 27 in 2023).

Enel's commitment is: zero injuries every day, all day

The “Safety is achieved together” campaign is aimed at employees, contractor companies and partners to reflect on the meaning of “safety”, no longer as a set of rules and methods, but as a way of acting, thinking, behaving and working. The goal is to bring about a change in the perception of safety, to incentivize staff (whether in the field, in the office or smart working), to adopt appropriate behaviors, and to encourage individuals to participate in the creation of a safe working environment. The campaign consisted of three phases: the first was aimed at engagement by sending out audiovisual materials (teaser, interview with the Holding’s HSEQ manager, emotional video); the second was aimed at staff involvement by having the entire workforce help build a “safety tower”, placing a brick with a word that best expressed the meaning of workplace safety for each person; and the final phase focused on the reality of individual Business Lines, with information dedicated to the specific risks faced by their activities. The “Mai più” (Never Again) safety campaign was also carried out – a communication initiative with a strong emotional impact, which aimed to make people reflect on the fatalities that occurred in 2023 and to raise awareness among all workers on safety procedures (PPE use, Stop Work Policy, work practices, correct risk identification, etc.).

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