- Word
- Definition
- Actual – associato ad uno o più dati, rappresenta i dati consuntivi (o effettivi). In un sistema di reporting completo vengono generalmente confrontati con i dati di Budget (v. BDG).
A robust system of ethics underlies all activities of the Enel Group. This system is embodied in a dynamic set of rules constantly oriented towards incorporating national and international best practices that everyone who works for and with Enel must respect and apply in their daily activities. The system is based on specific compliance programs, including: the Code of Ethics, the Compliance Model under Legislative Decree 231/2001, the Enel Global Compliance Program, the “Zero-Tolerance-of-Corruption” Plan, the Human Rights Policy, and any other national compliance models adopted by Group companies in accordance with local laws and regulations.
In 2002, Enel adopted a Code of Ethics,(11) which expresses the Company’s ethical responsibilities and commitments in conducting its affairs and operations, governing and standardizing corporate conduct on the basis of standards aimed to ensure the maximum transparency and fairness with all stakeholders. The Code of Ethics is valid for the whole Group, taking due account of the cultural, social and economic diversity of the various countries in which Enel operates. Enel also requires that all suppliers and partners adopt conduct that is in line with the general principles set out in the Code. Any violations or suspected violations of Enel Compliance Programs can be reported, including in anonymous form, through a single Group-level platform (the “Ethics Point”).
The following table indicates total violation reports received through the whistleblowing platform and actual violations confirmed.
(11) Most recently updated in February 2021.
(1) The analysis of reports received in 2022 was completed in 2023. For that reason, the number of reports for 2022 was restated from 172 to 168 and the number of confirmed violations for 2022 was restated from 29 to 34. Among the five additional violations, one is attributable to a case of conflict of interest in Brazil.
Legislative Decree 231 of June 8, 2001 introduced into Italian law a system of administrative liability for companies for certain types of offenses committed by their directors, managers or employees on behalf of or to the benefit of the company. Enel was the first organization in Italy to adopt, back in 2002, this sort of compliance model that met the requirements of Legislative Decree 231/2001 (also known as “Model 231”). It has been constantly updated to reflect developments in the applicable regulatory framework and current organizational arrangements.
The Enel Global Compliance Program for the Group’s foreign companies was approved by Enel in September 2016. It is a governance mechanism aimed at strengthening the Group’s ethical and professional commitment to preventing the commission of crimes abroad that could result in criminal liability for the company and do harm to our reputation. Identification of the types of crime covered by the Enel Global Compliance Program – which encompasses standards of conduct and areas to be monitored for preventive purposes – is based on illicit conduct that is generally considered such in most countries, such as corruption, crimes against the government, false accounting, money laundering, violations of regulations governing safety in the workplace, environmental crimes, etc.
In compliance with the tenth principle of the Global Compact, according to which “businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”, Enel is committed to combating corruption. For this reason, in 2006 we adopted the “Zero-Tolerance-of-Corruption” Plan (ZTC Plan), confirming the Group’s commitment, as described in both the Code of Ethics and the Model 231, to ensure propriety and transparency in conducting company business and operations and to safeguard our image and positioning, the work of our employees, the expectations of shareholders and all of the Group’s stakeholders. Following receipt of the ISO 37001 anti-corruption certification by Enel SpA in 2017, the 37001 certification plan has gradually been extended to the main Italian and international subsidiaries of the Group. The following table reports the average number of per capita training hours provided on anti-corruption policies and procedures.
Respect for human rights is part of the very foundation of sustainable progress. Enel’s business model is based on the generation of sustainable value, together with its internal and external stakeholders, on continuous innovation, the pursuit of excellence and respect for human rights throughout the value chain. This translates into the rejection of practices such as modern slavery, forced labor and human trafficking, and the promotion of diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and ensuring that people are treated with dignity and valued for their uniqueness, whether they work within the Company or elsewhere along the value chain in which the Group operates. The main international standards inspiring Enel’s commitment are the United Nations framework “Protect, Respect, Remedy”, outlined in the guiding principles on business and human rights, and the guidelines for multinational companies of the OECD. This commitment is clearly reflected in the human rights policy drawn up and adopted back in 2013. In 2021, this document was updated to take account of the evolution of international reference frameworks and the operational, organizational and management processes of the Group. The document strengthens and expands the commitments already present in other codes of conduct adopted by Enel such as the Code of Ethics, the “Zero-Tolerance-of-Corruption” Plan and global compliance models. The update was approved by the Board of Directors of Enel SpA and then adopted by the subsidiaries. Enel undertakes to comply with these principles in every country in which it operates, respecting local cultural, social and economic diversity, requiring each stakeholder to adopt conduct in line with these principles, paying particular attention to high-risk environments or those exposed to conflicts.Stakeholders are all those who have a direct or indirect interest in the activities of the Enel Group, such as customers, employees of any type or level, suppliers, contractors, partners, other companies and trade associations, the financial community, civil society, local communities and indigenous and tribal peoples, national and international institutions, the media, as well as the organizations and institutions that represent them.The update, similar to the 2013 version, involved a process of consultation with stakeholders relevant to the Company (internal, other companies, suppliers, human rights experts, think tanks, NGOs) conducted in accordance with the criteria contained in the ‘‘UN Global Compact Guide for Business: How to Develop a Human Rights Policy’’.The updated code identifies twelve principles (compared with the previous eight), again divided into two macro-themes: work practices and community relations.
The Human Rights Policy is a commitment to:
In addition to the commitment to the contribution to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the updates include: (i) a reminder of how environmental degradation and climate change are interconnected with human rights, in that the implementation of measures to mitigate the effects of human activities on the environment cannot take place without taking account of their social impact; (ii) the strengthening of the principles of “respect for diversity and non-discrimination” and “health and safety” in the part relating to mental and physical well-being and work-life integration; (iii) an increase in the granularity of our commitment in our relations with communities, with particular regard to local communities, indigenous and tribal populations, privacy and communication.
Enel has undertaken to monitor application of the Human Rights Policy (i) by employing a specific due diligence process in the various countries in which we operate; (ii) by promoting conduct consistent with a just and inclusive transition; and (iii) by enhancing communication with regard to the action plans developed to prevent and remedy situations in which critical issues could arise. More specifically, the due diligence process for the management system has been developed in accordance with the main international standards such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines. It enables us to identify opportunities for improvement and develop specific action plans. Thanks to this process, 100% of policies and operational procedures adopted are evaluated to identify any direct or indirect risks in the management of our operations, covering the entire value chain and the establishment of new business relationships (for example, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, etc.). A new cycle of the process was begun in 2023.
With regard to the sustainability of the supply chain, Enel’s purchasing processes are based on fairness, transparency and collaboration, and for this reason the Group’s suppliers are required not only to guarantee the necessary quality standards but also to commit to adopting best practices for human rights and the impact of their activity on the environment. These include those concerning working conditions, health and safety, appropriate working hours, rejection of forced or child labor, respect for personal dignity, non-discrimination and the inclusion of diversity, freedom of association and collective bargaining and respect for privacy by design and by default. All of this is delineated by a clear framework of codes of conduct, including, in addition to the Human Rights Policy, the Code of Ethics, the “Zero-Tolerance-of-Corruption” Plan and global compliance programs. Furthermore, specific clauses are included in all contracts for works, services and supplies, updated periodically to take account of the regulatory developments and ensure alignment with international best practices. For more information, please see the section “Sustainable supply chain”.
Sustainability Report
Sustainable supply chain
Link ai contenuti in evidenza
Strategic Plan
Bilancio consolidato
Zero emissions ambition and just transition
Circular economy
Carbon Capture and Storage – è una tecnologia utilizzata per impedire il rilascio di grandi quantità di anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera, separando l'anidride carbonica dalle emissioni e iniettandola nelle formazioni geologiche.
In italiano, Neutralità Carbonica, rappresenta il bilanciamento delle emissioni di CO2 con processi di rimozione del carbonio.
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