Enel Group
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The Enel corporate governance system

The corporate governance system of Enel SpA (“Enel” or the “Company”) is compliant with the principles set forth in the edition of the Italian Corporate Governance Code published on January 31, 2021,(6) adopted by the Company as a “large company” without “concentrated ownership“,(7) and with international best practice. The corporate governance system adopted by Enel is aimed at achieving sustainable success, as it is aimed at creating value for the shareholders over the long term, taking into account the environmental and social importance of the Enel Group’s business operations and the consequent need, in conducting such operations, to adequately consider the interests of all relevant stakeholders.

In compliance with Italian legislation governing listed companies, the Group’s organization comprises the following bodies: 

Enel Organization Chart
Enel Organization Chart

(6) Available from the website of Borsa Italiana (at https://www.borsaitaliana.it/comitato-corporate-governance/codice/2020-eng.en.pdf). 
(7) The Corporate Governance Code defines a “large company” as any company whose capitalization was greater than €1 billion on the last Exchange business day of each of the previous three calendar years, while a “company with concentrated ownership” is any company in which a single shareholder (or a plurality of shareholders which participates in a shareholders’ voting agreement) holds, directly or indirectly (through subsidiaries, trustees or third parties), the majority of the votes that can be exercised in the ordinary shareholders’ meeting.

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