Enel Group
Index Index

Performance of the group

(1) If net generation operated through joint ventures were also included, total generation at December 31, 2023 would amount to 220.6 TWh; similarly, generation from renewable sources would be equal to 140.3 TWh at December 31, 2023 (123.7 TWh at December 31, 2022).
(2) If the figures also included charging points operated through joint ventures, the totals would amount to 25,337 at December 31, 2023 and 22,617 at December31, 2022.
(3) The figure for 2022 reflects a more accurate calculation of the aggregate.

The following is a description of the Group’s operating and environmental performance.


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Net electricity generated by Enel in 2023 decreased by 20.44 TWh compared with 2022, the result of lower thermal generation (-34.97 TWh) essentially due to a reduction in quantities generated by fuel oil and turbo-gas plants (-6.63 TWh) and combined-cycle plants (-17.73 TWh), taking into account the divestment of operations in Russia, Argentina (Enel Generación Costanera and Central Sud Dock) and Brazil (Central Geradora Termelétrica Fortaleza - CGTF), as well as the decrease in coal generation (-8.97 TWh), mainly in Italy.
The increase in generation from renewable sources (14.53 TWh) is essentially attributable to greater hydroelectric generation (9.26 TWh), which benefited from greater water availability in several countries, and to solar generation (3.30 TWh), mainly in Chile, the United States and Iberia.

Net eletricity generation by source (2023)
Net eletricity generation by source (2023)
Net eletricity generation by source (2023)

At the end of December 2023, the Group’s net efficient installed capacity totaled 81.4 GW, a decrease of 3.2 GW from 2022.
As mentioned in relation to electricity generation, the reduction in net efficient generation capacity is also mainly attributable to the sale of thermal generation assets in Argentina. However, this decrease was mitigated by the increase in net efficient renewables capacity (+1.9 GW) as a result of renewable energy investments made by the Group during the year (+4.03 GW), which was partly offset by plant disposals in Romania, Greece, Australia, Chile and India.

Net efficient installed capacity by source (2023)
Net efficient installed capacity by source (2023)
Net efficient installed capacity by source (2023)

At the end of December 2023, the Group’s net efficient installed renewables capacity reached 55.5 GW, an increase of 1.9 GW compared with 2022, and represents 68.2% of total net efficient installed capacity.

Electricity distribution and access, ecosystems and platforms

Electricity distribution and access, ecosystem and platforms

(1) The figure for 2022 reflects a more accurate calculation of the aggregate.
(2) Of which 28.7 million second-generation smart meters in 2023 and 25.2 million in 2022.
(3) It should be noted that the figures shown, if they also included the charging points of the companies managed in joint ventures, would amount to 25,337 at December 31, 2023, and 22,617 at December 31, 2022.

Electricity distribution and access, ecosystems and platforms

Electricity transported on Enel’s distribution grid amounted to 489.2 TWh in 2023, a decrease of 18.5 TWh (-3.6%) compared with the previous year, mainly attributable to Brazil (-11.6 TWh), especially for the sale of Celg Distribução SA - Celg-D (Enel Goiás) at the end of 2022, as well as the decrease in quantities in Italy (-6.3 TWh), Chile (-3.1 TWh) and Romania (-3.0 TWh) due to the changes in the consolidation scope. These effects were slightly offset by increases in Spain (+4.7 TWh).

The number of Enel end users with active smart meters decreased by 652,004 in 2023 due to the deconsolidation of operations in Romania (a decrease of 1,285,969). These effects were partially offset by increases in Brazil (+412,667), Italy (+129,439) and Spain (+87,218).

Electricity sold by Enel in 2023 came to 300.9 TWh, decreasing by 20.2 TWh (-6.3%) compared with the previous year.
The decrease in the volumes of electricity sold in 2023 was mainly concentrated on the regulated market in Brazil (-9.7 TWh), as a result of the sale of Enel Goiás, and in Italy (-6.8 TWh) with the ongoing transition of customers to the free market, due in part to the pending elimination of the enhanced-protection market set for June 2024.
With regard to the free market, volume decreases were seen mainly in Italy (-3.1 TWh) and Spain (-0.6 TWh), partially offset by increases in Brazil (+2.2 TWh) and Chile (+0.6 TWh).

In addition, natural gas sales in 2023 amounted to 8,324 million cubic meters, down 1,919 million cubic meters compared with the previous year, mainly in Spain (down 1,107 million cubic meters) and in Italy (down 577 million cubic meters).

Active public charging points for electric cars at December 31, 2023 numbered 24,281, an increase of 2,169 compared with 2022, mainly in Spain (+1,824) and in Italy (+846).

Demand response capacity in 2023 amounted to 9,588 MW, an increase of 1,112 MW compared with the previous year, mainly in Japan (+494 MW), North America (+273 MW) and Italy (+256 MW).

Finally, storage at December 31, 2023 amounted to 1,730 MW, an increase of 970 MW due mainly to the installation of new batteries at renewable energy plants (+931 MW), mainly in North America (+736 MW) and Italy (+159 MW).

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