Enel Group
Index Index

People Centricity

People management and development at Enel

The Enel Group workforce at December 31, 2023 numbered 61,055 (65,124 at December 31, 2022). The contraction of 4,069 in the Group workforce in 2023 reflects negative balance between new hires and terminations during the period (-201) plus the negative impact of the change in the consolidation scope (-3,868), which included:

  • the sale of Enel Generación Costanera SA in Argentina;
  • the sale of Central Dock Sud SA in Argentina;
  • the sale of Usme ZE SAS and Fontibón ZE SAS in Colombia;
  • the sale of Avikiran Solar India Private Limited in India;
  • the sale of Enel Green Power Australia in Australia;
  • the sale of all companies in Romania;
  • the sale of Enel Green Power Hellas and all companies in Greece.

The following tables analyze the number and variation in employees by gender, age group, job classification and geographical area. An analysis by business line is also provided for the number of employees only.


Year-end workforce
Year and workforce
Year-end workforce
Workforce by business line
Workforces per business line
Workforce by business line
Change in workforce
Change in workforce
Change in workforce

Breakdown of changes in workforce

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Training and development

The rapid, ongoing evolution of our business and the support of our strategy in a rapidly changing global environment have resulted in a need for new technical and professional skills. For this reason, ongoing employee training and strategies of upskilling (training and empowerment programs to improve performance within a given role) and reskilling (learning new skills and capabilities that enable people to fill new positions) are of increasing importance. In 2023, in support of these strategies, we provided a total of about 3.1 million hours of training, an average of about 48 hours per employee, exceeding the target of an average of 45.5 hours per employee. Of these, 44.8% were dedicated to up/reskilling, an increase on the previous year (42% in 2022). Total training costs came to about €27 million in 2023.

This was made possible by the upgrading of digital tools and the E-Ducation platform, which gives broad access, including remotely, to training content concerning conduct, technical issues, safety and reskilling, working in cooperation with academic partners.

Average training hours per employee
Average training hours per employee
Average training hours per employee

In 2023, with regard to the development and assessment of Enel’s people, we continued with the Open Feedback Evaluation (OFE) program, a mechanism for the constant, 360° collection of feedback from all employees, thereby creating an ongoing dialogue within the organization. The process is conducted on a half-yearly cycle and assesses “Generosity”, meaning a propensity for interacting with others; and “Action”, i.e. the ability to achieve professional objectives, as assessed by superiors.

With a view to fostering and developing the individual, 2023 say an increase in the use of tools such as job shadowing, mentoring and coaching.
During 2023, the annual process of managing Succession Plans for management positions saw an increase in the percentage of female successors (47.2%). Together with other confirmed selection criteria for the identification of successors, gender criteria take account of the commitments made by the Enel Group regarding diversity and inclusion, further enhancing these aspects.
Succession planning has also been extended to key non-management positions, involving new position holders (heads of organizational positions). This expansion enabled the identification of new successors, both ready and in the pipeline (with consideration of gender issues), for whom an ad hoc development and training program has been developed.

Listening and enhancing wellness

In 2023, listening activities were carried out through the first Global Inclusive Survey exploring people’s general perception of inclusion in the working environment at all organizational levels. 48% of eligible people responded (over 61,000). The findings of the survey underscore the good level of perceived general inclusion of people: the average respondent assessment of this aspect was equal to 4.5 out of 6, and 87% of people had either a positive or very positive evaluation.
Since 2021, Enel has developed a global Well-being model using a co-creation approach based on eight pillars: emotional, physical, social, ethical, financial and cultural well-being, a sense of protection and work-life harmony. Following the analysis of the results of the Well-being & Motivation survey, which was launched in 2022 in order to gain an understanding of the evolution of organizational well-being and to refine initiatives designed to improve it, meetings were held to share the findings, using webinars coordinated by management in the various countries. At the global level, projects were developed in 2023 to enhance the well-being of people, teams and managers in the organization. The general well-being index measured by the survey in 2022 was 60% globally. This represents the percentage of respondents who are quite or very satisfied with their general well-being (personal and working life). Last year was the first year of full operation of the Global Well-being Program, which is intended to increase the awareness of all people on their level of well-being by engaging them through self-assessment tests, webinars, newsletters and other dedicated activities. The program is associated with an incentive mechanism that rewards the virtuous behavior of those who participate in the program every six months. During 2023, over 26,000 employees (43% of Enel’s people) actively participated, while over 4,000 rewards were distributed globally to people who used all the content of the program.
The pilot project “Well-being leaders, Happy teams” tested a new intervention method to support teams with lower perceived well-being, using the Well-being Index as the selection criterion. In addition, by listening to the managers of teams with a very high perceived well-being, the project identified distinctive characteristics and virtuous behaviors to be disseminated within the Company in order to reinforce well-being-oriented leadership.
To facilitate the diffusion of a culture of well-being and identify situations calling for improvement, the first well-being ambassadors – promoters of enabling behaviors, listening and guidance figures for people who request help – have been selected and trained in the main Group countries.

Services and initiatives that help care for your personal and family mental and physical well-being are also available at the local level. Free or subsidized psychological support services are available for more than 98% of Enel’s people, while physical well-being services are available for over 90%. The CReW – Enel Cycle, Run & Walk Challenge project is also active globally: it promotes the physical well-being associated with sustainable mobility, involving over 3,500 Enel participants in 2023.

The levers of inclusion at Enel

At Enel, attention to uniqueness and care for people are key elements for generating well-being and motivation and are levers for creativity, innovation and the achievement of valuable results for our people and the entire organization.The approach to diversity and inclusion is based on the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunities, personal dignity, inclusion regardless of any form of diversity, and work-life balance. This approach is embodied in a comprehensive set of actions that promote an attention to and expression of individuality, a culture of inclusiveness without prejudice, and a coherent mix of talents, qualities and experience, all of which creates value for our people and for our business, which is transitioning towards a decarbonized economy, acknowledged globally as a flywheel for guiding various forms of diversity towards the world of work.

The approach has been ratified in our Charter for the Individual, a protocol of intent that Enel signed on March 29, 2022, underscoring the importance of personal well-being and integrity in an environment in which well-being, productivity, continuous learning and security can reinforce each other, contributing to the greatest fulfillment of the person and the achievement of results.
The principles expressed in the Charter for the Individual with regard to the participation, well-being, inclusion and security of each worker inspired the renewal in 2023 of the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) – originally signed in 2013 – with the Italian industry federations and the global federations IndustriALL and Public Services International. Industrial relations are addressed at Group level in accordance with the model envisaged in the GFA, which is recognized as a reference best practice for European and non-European multinationals. The agreement is based on international principles for human rights and business and is inspired by the best and most advanced transnational industrial relations systems used in multinational groups and key institutions at the international level.
The milestones that have brought us to today began back in 2013 with publication of our Human Rights Policy (updated in 2021). This was followed in 2015 by Enel’s adoption of the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) promoted by the UN Global Compact and UN Women and the parallel publication of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which defines the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunities, dignity, work-life balance, and inclusiveness regardless of any form of diversity. In 2019, our Workplace Harassment Policy(44) introduced the issues of individual respect, integrity and dignity in the workplace into the prevention of all types of harassment. These principles were shared in 2020 in the Statement Against Harassment in the workplace.(45) We also created a Digital Accessibility section on the Enel intranet. It is designed to ensure equal opportunities in access to digital systems and information.

In recent years, intensive awareness-raising efforts have enabled the dissemination and strengthening of a culture of inclusion at all levels and in all settings within the organization by way of communication campaigns and local and global events. The most important initiatives undertaken in 2023 include the expansion of local Employee Resources Groups, important networks and/or communities that fuel conversations within the Group on a variety of issues concerning inclusion and diversity and offer an opportunity to sharing views on female empowerment, parenting, caregiving, disability, intergenerational and intercultural relations and the LGBTQ+ community. The delivery of Beyond Bias training courses continued throughout the Group, enabling the identification of the main prejudices that may be encountered in the workplace. Adopting an ironic and surreal tone, the course suggests how to prevent these biases by offering interesting food for thought. The Workplace Harassment training course describes forms of harassment and discrimination related to age, disability, LGBTQ+ status and sexual orientation. To spread the principles of inclusive design, the training activity “Accessibility and Design for all Awareness” was also offered globally. It represents a design approach whose fundamental objective is the conception and creation of spaces, products and services that are themselves accessible to all. The course aims to raise awareness and train people in an increasingly inclusive culture, spreading awareness of the application Design for All principles.
Promoting a culture of inclusiveness at Enel also involves target setting and measurement. It is an approach that is encapsulated in a comprehensive plan of actions measured using a broad set of KPIs for which commitments approved by the corporate bodies have been made. These commitments include: balancing the percentage of women in hiring processes; increasing the representation of women in senior and middle management and in succession plans; increasing the number of female students involved in awareness initiatives in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields; promoting projects for the inclusion of employees with disabilities at all stages of the employee journey; and fostering the dissemination of a bias-free culture sensitive to intercultural diversity.

More specifically, our strategy for gender equality is organized into various lines of action. We are working to increase the presence of women in hiring processes, with a positive trend being registered in 2023 as well (52%), confirming the Group’s commitment to achieving this goal. In terms of women in management positions, we have seen both the number and the percentage of female managers continue to climb, increasing by 1.3 percentage points in 2023 (from 24.9% in 2022 to 26.2% in 2023). The percentage of women middle managers also increased (from 32.6% in 2022 to 33.1% in 2023). Actions to value the contribution of women throughout the organization, and not just in senior positions, have also continued, and the effects of these efforts will be better seen over the medium to long term, due in part to generational dynamics. Among the actions taken globally, the performance target for “the percentage of women in top management succession plans at the end of 2025” has been confirmed in the 2023 Long-Term Incentive Plan with a weighting of 10% of the total in order to strengthen and lend greater continuity to a policy to establish a suitable platform for management appointments into the coming years.

Over the years, we have also increased our commitment to promote the presence of women in STEM training and careers in collaboration with schools and government, so as to overcome gender stereotypes and promote the importance of STEM and its integration with the humanities.
These STEM awareness and orientation initiatives involved more than 7,800 female secondary-school students in 2023 and more than 37,000 female students over the last seven years.(46)

On the issue of disabilities, Enel provides equipment, services, working methods and other initiatives to create an inclusive climate for work and relationships for all that provides full autonomy at work regardless of the disability. Worldwide, we have more than 2,000 employees with disabilities. The issue is particularly relevant in Italy (with more than 1,500 employees with disabilities, more than 73% of the Group total).

Since Enel’s participation in the global Valuable 500 initiative in 2019, initiatives involving disability issues have been grouped within the Value for Disability project, aimed at seizing potential business and promoting inclusion among employees and customers with disabilities by designing specific global and local plans of action. The project has engendered widespread commitment to the issue and given rise to initiatives in all countries, with an impact on the inclusion of people with disabilities in relation to the different aspects of their experience in the organization and on cultural change.
Each country with at least one employee with a disability has a focal point for hearing and responding to specific needs and designing dedicated actions, as provided for in the Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Many countries have also organized initiatives focused on intercultural and intergenerational issues and on the LGBTQ+ community. Finally, to promote parenthood and caring for all people who find themselves in circumstances that have an impact on work, the Parental Program supporting the parenting experience has continued, as has the expansion of the MaCro@Work Caring Program for employees with chronic disorders and vulnerabilities in the various countries.

The table below shows Enel’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, including the percentage of employees with disabilities, the number of women in senior and middle management, and the ratio of the average salaries of women to those of men.

(44) The Workplace Harassment Policy is an internal corporate publication.
(45) https://www.enel.com/content/dam/enel-com/documenti/investitori/sostenibilita/enel-statement-against-harassment.pdf.
Beginning in 2022, the figure only includes initiatives targeting primary and secondary schools.

Diversity and inclusion

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