Enel Group
Index Index

Other Information

Non-EU subsidiaries

At the date of approval by the Board of Directors of the financial statements of Enel SpA for 2023 – March 21, 2024 the Enel Group meets the “conditions for the listing of shares of companies with control over companies established and regulated under the law of non-EU countries” (hereinafter “non-EU subsidiaries”) established by CONSOB with Article 15 of the Markets Regulation (approved with Resolution no. 20249 of December 28, 2017).
Specifically, we report that:

  • in application of the materiality criteria for the purposes of consolidation referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2, of the CONSOB Markets Regulation, 49 non-EU subsidiaries of the Enel Group have been identified to which the rules in question apply on the basis of the consolidated accounts of the Enel Group at December 31, 2022;
  • they are: 1) 25 Mile Creek Windfarm LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 2) 25RoseFarms Holdings LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 3) Alta Farms Azure Ranchland Holdings LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 4) Alta Farms Wind Project II LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 5) Ampla Energia e Serviços SA (a Brazilian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 6) Aurora Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 7) Azure Blue Jay Holdings LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 8) Azure Sky Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 9) Blue Jay Solar I LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 10) Cimarron Bend Wind Holdings I LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 11) Companhia Energética do Ceará - Coelce (a Brazilian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 12) Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo SA (a Brazilian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 13) Empresa Distribuidora Sur SA - Edesur (an Argentine company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 14) Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche SA (a Chilean company belonging to Enel Chile SA); 15) Enel Américas SA (a Chilean subsidiary of Enel SpA); 16) Enel Argentina SA (an Argentine company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 17) Enel Brasil SA (a Brazilian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 18) Enel Chile SA (a Chilean subsidiary of Enel SpA); 19) Enel Colombia SA ESP (formerly Emgesa SA ESP, a Colombian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 20) Enel Distribución Chile SA (a Chilean company belonging to Enel Chile SA); 21) Enel Distribución Perú SAA (a Peruvian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 22) Enel Finance America LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 23) Enel Fortuna SA (a Panamanian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 24) Enel Generación Chile SA (a Chilean company belonging to Enel Chile SA); 25) Enel Generación Perú SAA (a Peruvian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 26) Enel Green Power Canada Inc. (a Canadian company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 27) Enel Green Power Chile SA (a Chilean company belonging to Enel Chile SA); 28) Enel Green Power Diamond Vista Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 29) Enel Green Power México S de RL de Cv (a Mexican company belonging to Enel Green Power SpA); 30) Enel Green Power North America Inc. (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 31) Enel Green Power Perú SAC (a Peruvian company merged into Enel Generación Perú SAA on August 1, 2023); 32) Enel Green Power Rattlesnake Creek Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 33) Enel Green Power Roseland Solar LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 34) Enel Green Power South Africa (Pty) Ltd (a South African company belonging to Enel Green Power SpA); 35) Enel Kansas LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 36) Enel North America Inc. (a US subsidiary of Enel SpA); 37) Enel Perú SAC (a Peruvian company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 38) Enel Rinnovabile SA de Cv (a Mexican company belonging to Enel Green Power SpA); 39) Enel Trading North America LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 40) Enel X North America Inc. (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 41) Geotérmica del Norte SA (a Chilean company belonging to Enel Chile SA); 42) High Lonesome Wind Power LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 43) Red Dirt Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 44) Renovables de Guatemala SA (a Guatemala company belonging to Enel Américas SA); 45) Rock Creek Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 46) Seven Cowboy Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 47) Thunder Ranch Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 48) Tradewind Energy Inc. (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.); 49) White Cloud Wind Project LLC (a United States company belonging to Enel North America Inc.);
  • the balance sheet and income statement of the above companies included in the reporting package used for the purpose of preparing the 2023 consolidated financial statements of the Enel Group will be made available to the public by Enel SpA (pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 1A) of the Markets Regulation) at least 15 days prior to the day scheduled for the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the 2023 financial statements of Enel SpA together with the summary statements showing the essential data of the latest annual financial statements of subsidiaries and associated companies (pursuant to the applicable provisions of Article 77, paragraph 2-bis, of the CONSOB Issuers Regulation approved with Resolution no. 11971 of May 14, 1999);
  • the articles of association and composition and powers of the control bodies from all the above subsidiaries have been obtained by Enel SpA and are available in updated form to CONSOB where the latter should request such information for supervisory purposes (pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 1B) of the Markets Regulation);
  • Enel SpA has verified that the above subsidiaries:
    – provide the auditor of the Parent, Enel SpA, with information necessary to perform annual and interim audits of Enel SpA (pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 1 (letter C-i) of the Markets Regulation);
    - use an administrative and accounting system appropriate for regular reporting to the management and auditor of the Parent, Enel SpA, of income statement, balance sheet and financial data necessary for preparation of the consolidated financial statements (pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 1 (letter C-ii) of the Markets Regulation).

Disclosures on financial instruments

The disclosures on financial instruments required by Article 2428, paragraph 2, no. 6-bis of the Italian Civil Code are reported in the following notes to the consolidated financial statements: 48 “Financial instruments by category”, 49 “Risk management”, 51 “Derivatives and hedge accounting” and 52 “Assets and liabilities measured at fair value”.

Atypical or unusual operations

Pursuant to the CONSOB Notice of July 28, 2006, the Group did not carry out any atypical or unusual operations in 2023. Such operations include transactions whose significance, size, nature of the counterparties, subject matter, method for calculating the transfer price or timing could give rise to doubts concerning the propriety and/or completeness of disclosure, conflicts of interest, preservation of company assets or protection of non-controlling shareholders.

Subsequent events

Significant events following the close of the year are discussed in note 60 “Events after the reporting period” of the consolidated financial statements.

Transactions with related parties

For more information on transactions with related parties, please see note 54 “Related parties” of the consolidated financialm statements.

Reconciliation of equity and profit of Enel SpA and the corresponding consolidated figures

Pursuant to CONSOB Notice no. DEM/6064293 of July 28, 2006, the following table provides a reconciliation of Group profit for the year and equity with the corresponding figures for the Parent.

Reconciliation of equity and profit of Enel SpA and the corresponding consolidated figures
Prospetto di raccordo tra patrimonio netto e risultato di Enel SpA e i corrispondenti dati consolidati

(1) Figures at December 31, 2022 have been adjusted to take account of the effects of the Amendment to IAS 12, which took effect for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023. For more information, please see note 8 “Restatement of comparative disclosures”.

Reconciliation of equity and profit of Enel SpA and the corresponding consolidated figures
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